Search Results for: 2013-03-01

The US Senate voted 70-30 on Wednesday to confirm Merrick Garland to be attorney general. Twenty Republicans joined all 50 Democrats in confirming the nomination. Garland was a federal prosecutor involved in the Oklahoma City Bombing investigation before being appointed to the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit where he has [...]


Abstract: In principle, especially during a rare historical moment of extra-terrestrial exploration and immunological control, our species ought to render itself capable of managing nuclear threats. Prima facie, after all, the difficulties of transporting complex instrumentation to Mars and simultaneously fashioning effective vaccines against deadly pathogens should exceed even the most complex challenges of international peace. Nonetheless, [...]


JURIST’s new Explainer section aims to provide easily digestible explanations of some of the more complex legal issues underpinning our global news coverage Russian opposition activist Alexey Navalny has dominated international headlines in the weeks that have passed since his dramatic arrest in Moscow.  His latest legal struggle has sparked a wave of protests across [...]


On January 8, 2021, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) took the extraordinary step of publicly revealing she had talked with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark A. Milley, about “available precautions for preventing an unstable President from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike.” [...]


“The masses have followed the magicians again and again…Socrates and Plato were the first to take up the struggle against them in clear awareness of what was at stake.” – Karl Jaspers, Reason and Anti-Reason in our Time (1952) On absolutely all matters of existential survival, individual or collective, candor is indispensable. In connection with [...]


The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments in two more cases on Tuesday afternoon. In Kelley v. United States, Bridgette Kelly and William Baroni appealed their convictions for violating federal property-fraud laws. Kelly, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s deputy chief of staff, and Baroni, a New York and New Jersey Port Authority official, were [...]


In the indictment against sixteen environmental activists now on trial outside Istanbul, George Soros and the Open Society Foundations (OSF) are mentioned over 300 times. Neither is in any way linked to the defendants or to the 2013 public demonstrations that took place at Gezi Park, yet somehow George Soros is accused of being the [...]


A three-judge panel for the US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ruled Monday that Chelsea Manning will remain in jail on a contempt charge for her refusal to testify before a grand jury investigating WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Assange was arrested last week by British authorities after in asylum at the Ecuadoran Embassy in London for seven years. [...]


The European Commission criticized Romania on Friday for “backsliding on the rule of law.” Margaritis Schinas, Chief Spokesperson of the European Commission, expressed the Commission’s concern over Romania’s treatment of Laura Codruța Kövesi. Kövesi served as Romania’s chief prosecutor from 2013 to 2018 and is currently in the running to head the new European Public Prosecutor’s [...]