Search Results for: Citizens United

Medellin v. Dretke, Supreme Court of the United States, Per Curiam, May 23, 2005 [dismissing an appeal by a Mexican citizen on death row in Texas that he an others like him should have their sentences overturned because they were...


Citizens for Equal Protection v. Bruning, United States District Court for the District of Nebraska, Judge Joseph F. Bataillon, May 12, 2005. Excerpt:The reach of Section 29 is at once too broad and too narrow to satisfy its purported purpose...


A Spanish judge has charged 11 additional suspects with participating in the Madrid commuter train bombings that in March 2004 killed 191 and injured 1,900, bringing the total charged up to 101 people. Included in Thursday's indictment is Driss...


The Minuteman Project , a civilian border patrol group that has already claimed credit for alerting federal authorities to over 300 illegal border crossings from Mexico, announced Tuesday that it wants to expand its operations northwards to the...