Search Results for: proportionality

One of the major global issues facing many nations in both the developing or developed categories is forced migration and displacement during crises. No matter which region, continent, or nation is the focus, every state, in addition to several other political players, has its own role to play in addressing this complex problem. Situational analysis [...]


Amnesty International said technology is contributing to the growing trend of human rights violations at borders in a research briefing released on Tuesday. The briefing documents systemic exploitation of new technologies by state and non-state actors and calls for more stringent regulation of development and deployment. Invasive technologies violate numerous human rights, including the right to [...]


The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) held a hearing Wednesday on a case involving an international athlete’s claims that World Athletics’ eligibility rules are discriminatory, forcing her to undergo medical treatment to compete. The applicant is asserting several violations of the European Convention on Human Rights. The case emerged from complaints by former South [...]


European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) held Tuesday that Russia discriminated against a teacher when she was fired after posting pictures that indicated her sexual orientation. In the case of A.K. v. Russia, A.K, the applicant, was a teacher in a state school in Russia. In November 2014, a Russian NGO collected on social media [...]


Former Philadelphia Police Officer Edsaul Mendoza, accused of shooting an unarmed 12-year-old, pleaded guilty to 3rd-degree murder on Friday, according to the Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner’s Office. In March 2022, Mendoza shot Thomas “TJ” Siderio during a “tactically unsound” foot pursuit. The former officer had been charged with first-degree murder, third-degree murder, voluntary manslaughter, [...]


The Georgian Parliament passed the “transparency of foreign influence” bill in its first reading on Wednesday, according to Georgian news sources IMEDI News. The bill passed despite repeated calls from the EU to withdraw the legislation and mass domestic protests. During a session deliberating the bill’s passage on Monday, a brawl erupted during a speech [...]