Search Results for: patent

In its euthanasia guidelines, the American Veterinary Medical Association advises against the use of nitrogen gas to kill rats. And yet Alabama is pushing ahead with plans to experiment with using the gas to execute its condemned. Even defendants convicted of the cruelest of murders cannot, except for cynically and spitefully, be said to be [...]


A US federal judge Monday blocked the enforcement of a Texas law restricting books in schools. At issue was House Bill (HB) 900, a bill passed by the Texas Legislature and signed into law by Texas Governor Greg Abbot that would require the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to create standards for “sexually explicit” [...]


In November of 1985, legendary liberal Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan Jr. declared, “the fatal constitutional infirmity of capital punishment is that it treats members of the human race as non-humans, as objects to be toyed with and discarded.” With Alabama primed to gas condemned prisoners to death with nitrogen — and with other [...]


A group of booksellers and publishers filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday against Texas officials to block House Bill (HB) 900, the state’s new book ratings law. The plaintiffs believe the new law could ban classics like “Romeo and Juliet” and “Of Mice and Men” from state public school classrooms and libraries due to sex-related content. [...]


The US Supreme Court ruled Friday in US v. Hansen that 8 U.S.C. §1324(a)(1)(A)(iv), a federal law that criminalizes the encouragement of illegal immigration, does not violate the First Amendment of the US Constitution. Justice Amy Coney Barrett, writing for the majority, criticized the lower court ruling, which called the law “overbroad,” saying: Properly interpreted, [...]


Vladimir Putin’s multiple crimes against Ukraine include aggression and genocide. But what happens when these two categories of criminality come together? Among other things, this result is not “merely” additive; it is also synergistic. Hence, the cumulative Russian wrongdoing is actually greater than the calculable sum of its component “parts.” What pertinent connections ought to [...]


In jurisprudential matters, whether national or international, precedent remains vitally important. When former (and possibly future) US President Donald J. Trump issued illegal pardons to selected American officials for established crimes against international law, the consequences reverberated in other countries. Now, with still-mounting Russian crimes against Ukraine –  crimes of war; crimes against peace; and crimes [...]