Search Results for: omar al bashir

The Mo Ibrahim Foundation (MIF) Wednesday released its 2022 Index of African Governance, noting that governance across the African continent has “flatlined” since 2019. The report cited deteriorating security and movements to undermine the rule of law as reasons for the stagnation, and warned the lack of progress could seriously jeopardize the African Union’s Agenda [...]


A Sudanese court Sunday began the trial of four Sudanese protesters accused of killing a high-ranking police officer in January. The judge ordered a medical examination of the accused to investigate allegations they were tortured in jail and deferred the hearing to June 12. The fatality took place in months of unrest following the October [...]


Sudanese Military Thursday fired tear gas and stun grenades at protestors as attempts at a peaceful resolution to unrest have fallen apart. According to a press release from the Khartoum State Resistance Committees, the protestors intended to march from Jackson Station, Al Qandul Square, and the Stadium to the Republican Palace in Khartoum. Current political [...]


Before February 24, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin had an “off ramp.” He could have withdrawn troops from Russia’s border with Ukraine and slinked away to an island. However, several developments have eliminated the possibility of an “off ramp.” On February 28, 2022, ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan announced he opened an investigation into “alleged war [...]


The UN Human Rights Office said Tuesday that it has received allegations of security forces raping or gang-raping 13 women and girls during the protests in Khartoum on December 19, 2021. The demonstrations on December 19 were held to commemorate the third anniversary of the protests that started in December 2018 and eventually culminated in [...]


Two weeks after a military coup seized power in Sudan, the United Nation’s Human Rights Council voted Friday to condemn the coup and appoint an expert to monitor abuses in Sudan. The British-introduced resolution called for the restoration of the civilian-led government and the release of “all those who have been arbitrarily detained since the takeover [...]


Sudan’s Council of Ministers on Tuesday approved a bill to cancel a 1958 law mandating a boycott of the nation of Israel. The 1958 law forbade diplomatic and business relations with Israel, with penalties including up to 10 years in jail and large fines for violators. Last October the two nations agreed to normalize relations [...]


The Sudanese government approved the ratification Tuesday of key international treaties which ban torture and enforced disappearance. The Sudanese Minister of Justice, Dr Nasredeen Abdulbari, announced on Twitter that the Sovereignty Council of Sudan had approved draft laws to join the 1984 Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (UNCAT) [...]


The Sudanese government Sunday signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) for cooperating on the trial of former militant leader Ali Kushayb who is accused of committing war crimes in the Darfur region of Sudan. According to the Prosecutor, Kushyab was a top commander of [...]