Search Results for: jason kellam

JURIST Guest Columnist Joshua Block of the American Civil Liberties Union discusses whether colleges and universities should be forced to officially recognize and fund student groups who discriminate... Should colleges and universities be forced to officially recognize—and provide funding to—religious...


JURIST Guest Columnist Angelique Devaux discusses the harmonization of law in the European Union and the Franco-German Agreement of Common Optional Matrimonial Property Regime... In a time when Europe is experiencing economic crisis for several years and developed an identity...


JURIST Guest Columnist Bonnie Docherty of Human Rights Watch discusses fully autonomous weapons and their human rights implications... Fully autonomous weapons, which could select and fire on targets without meaningful human intervention, have the potential to revolutionize the nature of...


JURIST Guest Columnist Bruce Schneider of Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP. discusses the First Amendment and the "extended use" of public schools ... The Framers saw the two religious freedoms secured by the First Amendment as being in harmony:...


JURIST Guest Columnist David Hacker of Alliance Defending Freedom discusses free speech zones on public university campuses... Free speech zones on public university campuses sound wonderful in the abstract—a special zone just for free speech! But don't be fooled. College's...