Search Results for: Muhammad

A bipartisan group of US Senators, led by Majority Whip Dick Durbin and Senator Todd Young, sent a letter to Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Monday, expressing concern over the alleged harassment of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, who was convicted by a Bangladesh labor law court in early January. The letter [...]


Pakistan’s Supreme Court on Saturday set aside a Peshawar High Court’s (PHC) decision suspending the Election Commission of Pakistan’s (ECP) earlier order against Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf’s (PTI) that revoked the party’s bat election symbol. This means that PTI will not be able to use their iconic bat symbol. PTI, which is led by former prime minister [...]


Law students and law graduates in Pakistan are reporting for JURIST on events in that country impacting its legal system. Izhar Ahmed Khan is a JURIST Staff Correspondent based in Lahore and a 2022 LL.B. graduate of the Pakistan College of Law (University of London International Program). In this dispatch he reflects on a personal [...]


A Bangladeshi labor court has convicted Nobel Peace Laureate Muhammad Yunus and three of his associates from Grameen Telecom, a company founded by Yunus, for violating the country’s labor laws. Each of the accused were sentenced to six months in jail on Monday. However, the court immediately granted all four bail, pending appeal. Yunus was [...]


India on Friday reiterated its request to Pakistan for the extradition of Hafiz Saeed, the founder of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), who is sought by India in connection with multiple terrorist acts, including the 2008 Mumbai attacks. Indian Ministery of External Affairs spokesperson Arindam Bagachi confirmed the request in a weekly briefing. Answering a question, the spokesperson [...]


Syria’s president Bashar al-Assad issued a decree on Thursday (Legislative Decree No 36 of 2023) granting amnesty for certain crimes committed before the decree was issued, subject to conditions. Judge Muhammad Eid Baloza announced that 350 prisoners in Damascus have been released under the decree as of Saturday. The decree stated that misdemeanors and violations [...]


UN experts released a statement on Tuesday raising concerns about the escalating human rights situation in Bangladesh. The statement, issued as the UN Human Rights Council concludes its periodic review of Bangladesh’s human rights record, points to a severe crackdown on human rights across multiple fronts. The experts highlighted a disturbing surge in political violence, [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit ruled on Thursday that a district court used the wrong standard when it determined that the Arkansas Division of Corrections (ADC) policy that requires Muslim prisoners to pray with members of the Nation of Islam and the Five-Percent Nation and only wear kufis during prayer services [...]