Search Results for: International Court of Justice

Israeli forces have committed war crimes and violations of international humanitarian and human rights law, and there are “reasonable grounds” to conclude Hamas and loyalists have done the same, a UN inquiry concluded in a report released Wednesday. The report, which covers Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks on Israeli civilians and the initial phase of Israel’s [...]


Germany’s Berlin Administrative Court dismissed a lawsuit on Tuesday in which several Palestinian applicants sought to prohibit the German government from supplying arms to Israel amid the ongoing war in Gaza. The motion was supported by several human rights organizations, including the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights and the Palestinian Center for Human [...]


Former chief justice of the Supreme Court of Canada Beverley McLachlin announced her retirement as a Non-Permanent Judge (NPJ) in the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal (HKCFA) on Monday following the June 6 resignations of two other overseas NPJs, UK Lords Collins and Sumption. “It has been a privilege serving the people of Hong [...]


Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, said in a statement about her latest report on the situation in Gaza: In this darkest hour, the international community cannot continue to ignore that it is Israel’s project to rid Palestine of Palestinians in defiance [...]


The National Union of Banks, Insurance Companies, Financial Institutions, and Businesses of Mali (SYNABEF) announced Saturday that it would prolong its work stoppage from June 9 until authorities release their secretary general, Hamadoun Bah, and all their detained colleagues. In their communique, SYNABEF’s National Executive Board urged its members to adhere to the directive, and [...]


The European Commission announced on Friday that Ukraine and Moldova have met all the requirements needed to start negotiating the countries’ EU membership. European Commission Spokesperson Ana Pisonero confirmed at a press conference that all the necessary criteria had been met by the two countries and that the decision to adopt the negotiation framework and [...]


The International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) Thursday submitted a formal complaint to Scotland Yard’s War Crimes Unit, accusing an unnamed British-born Israeli ex-government official of severe violations of international law. The allegations in their complaint revolve around abetting, inciting, and conspiring with the Israeli government to commit acts that amount to war crimes, [...]


Spain has asked the International Court of Justice to allow it to join South Africa’s case accusing Israel of genocide in the Gaza Strip, Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albare noted on Thursday. The minister said Spain supported the role of the International Criminal Court and called on all countries to uphold peace and the [...]


Former UK judges Lord Collins of Mapesbury and Lord Sumption have reportedly resigned from their positions as judges in the Hong Kong Courts. The former UK Supreme Court justice Lord Sumption has, according to the Financial Times, promised to make a statement “in due course.” The news of Lord Collins’s resignation was broken Thursday morning [...]