Search Results for: Intellectual Property Law

A critical presidential election is scheduled to take place on May 14 in Turkey. Nonetheless, there have been heated discussions over the constitutionality of President Erdogan’s candidacy. Erdogan was elected president for the first time in August 2014, following his role as prime minister beginning in 2003. In June 2018, Erdogan was elected as president [...]


The Montana House of Representatives Friday passed a bill that would ban the use of social media app TikTok within the state in a 54-43 vote. The bill will now be submitted to Montana Governor Greg Gianforte, who must sign the bill for it to become law. The move comes amid increasing scrutiny of the [...]


Indian law students are reporting for JURIST on law-related developments in and affecting India. This dispatch is from Samar Veer, a third-year law student at National Law University, Delhi.  In a major departure from longstanding policy, the Bar Council of India (BCI) last week issued a notification permitting foreign law firms and foreign lawyers to advise [...]


Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a main competitive advantage for the 21st century is rapidly gaining momentum on the world stage. Its accelerating capabilities and potential are so significant that it will transform nearly all aspects of our societies, including the economy, education, healthcare, the law, national security, and beyond. It is becoming the driver for [...]


The governors of Wisconsin and North Carolina Thursday signed executive orders banning the use of the Chinese video-sharing application TikTok owned by Bytedance Inc. on government devices due to cybersecurity issues. The states join the federal government, other states and the US Army in their decision. The order from the Wisconsin governor’s office cited “cybersecurity [...]


Nepal is a least developed, land-locked Himalayan country wedged between India and China. After a long period of instability, it adopted a new constitution in 2015, creating a multi-party federal republic. Previously Nepal had been a unitary state, albeit with a long period of political instability and insurgency. The first election under the Constitution was [...]


Recently, Thailand passed an important human rights law following significant pressure from many parties including NGOs, victims of torture, relatives of the dead and missing, and investigative journalists. On 24 October 2022, the King signed into law the Prevention and Suppression of Torture and Enforced Disappearances Act which Parliament enacted on 26 August 2022. This [...]