Search Results for: Guatemala

The Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) held a special meeting Wednesday to discuss the turmoil surrounding the presidential political transition in Guatemala. Cesar Bernardo Arevalo de Leon, the president-elect, won the election in August in a landslide victory. Despite Arevalo’s apparent victory, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) has been raided four [...]


Guatemala faced political demonstrations and protests Monday after the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), the nation’s highest electoral body, was reportedly raided for the fourth time by the nation’s Public Ministry (PM) last week. According to a press release by the US Department of State, the PM seized election materials as part of a continued effort [...]


The Organization of American States (OAS) on Friday condemned the actions of Guatemala’s attorney general regarding delays and claims of fraud concerning recent election results within the region. In the period following the election, five raids were conducted by the Public Prosecutor’s Office. OAS argues that the attorney general’s actions are unconstitutional and part of [...]


The the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea’s public hearings concerning international obligations to mitigate marine pollution started Monday in Hamburg, Germany following a request from the Commission of Small Island States on Climate Change and International Law (COSIS). Prime Ministers Kausea Natano of Tuvalu and Gaston Browne of Antigua and Barbuda, representing COSIS, are [...]


The National Unity of Hope (UNE) party raised concerns on Friday about the integrity of the recent presidential election, citing a number of alleged irregularities. UNE is led by former first lady Sandra Torres, who lost in this recent election. In a statement posted on social media, the UNE executive committee called on authorities to [...]


The Central American Parliament (PARLACEN) of six Central American nations – namely Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and the Dominican Republic – convened on Monday in Managua to propose advocating the replacement of Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan with the All-China Assembly of People’s Representatives in an observer capacity.  Subsequent to this announcement, Taiwan took the [...]


Guatemalan presidential candidate Bernardo Arévalo accused authorities of “political persecution” on Friday after police raided his center-left Semilla party headquarters. Arévalo condemned the raid as an attempt to hinder his campaign for the 2023 presidential election, the second round of which is scheduled for August 20. Prosecutors say they were enforcing a court order which suspended [...]


Guatemala’s First High-Risk Appeals Chamber mandated the release of three military officers who were previously convicted of crimes against humanity Friday, directly contravening a March ruling from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR). This legal development has sparked considerable debate, raising concerns regarding potential infringements of human rights and violations of Guatemala’s international obligations. The [...]


The US Supreme Court unanimously held Thursday that a transgender migrant may appeal a Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) decision that denied her relief from deportation. The court reversed the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit’s ruling that it did not have jurisdiction over Estrella Santos-Zacaria’s request for judicial review. Santos-Zacaria petitioned the [...]


UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk Thursday expressed alarm at the continued erosion of the rule of law in Guatemala. Türk condemned the intimidation, harassment and prosecution faced by justice operators who worked for or operated with the UN-backed International Commission against Impunity (CICIG), including former CICIG Commissioner Francisco Dall’Anese. The Guatemala Special [...]