Search Results for: Greek police

The Greek Supreme Court Wednesday decided that the far-right Hellenes party will be barred from the upcoming election on May 21.  In a nine to one decision, the court found that parties that are beyond the political spectrum, promote violence and don’t respect democracy or the rule of law are not welcome in elections. The Hellenes [...]


Large scale violent protests have erupted in Greece Thursday following a strike called by transportation workers unions. The strike was called in response to a rail disaster which occurred in February. According to Greek state news agency EPT, the previously peaceful protests descended into violence around 3 pm on Thursday afternoon when protesters allegedly began [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) Wednesday criticized repressive measures on civil society groups by European governments considered to be liberal democracies. In a report, HRW expressed alarm at democratic backsliding in “healthy” democracies such as the UK, Italy, Greece and France. According to the V-Dem Institute, the COVID-19 pandemic aggravated democratic backsliding around the world. The [...]


Law students from the European Union are reporting for JURIST on law-related events in and affecting the European Union and its member states.  Panagiotis Lampropoulos is a recent graduate of the University of Bristol Law School (UK). He is currently doing a year of required military service in Greece.  On September 17, 2013, Pavlos Fyssas, [...]


Credo quia absurdum. “I believe because it is absurd.” -Tertullian Macrocosm and Microcosm One thing is certain. If Donald J. Trump should decide to run again, various condemnations and justifications would instantly spring forth from absolutely every segment of the political spectrum. The deepest and truest explanations, however, would not be discoverable in day-to-day politics. [...]


Greek Member of the European Parliament for the neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn Ioannis Lagos was arrested in Brussels on Tuesday after a 658-24 vote of the European Parliament to lift his immunity with 10 abstentions. This came following a request for the waiver of his immunity by the Prosecutor at the Supreme Court of Greece [...]


Greek NGO Legal Centre Lesvos (LCL) said Monday that it has filed a lawsuit against the Greek state at the European Court of Human Rights “for a massive pushback operation of over 180 migrants caught in a storm near Crete.” The NGO will be representing 11 Syrian nationals who were part of the 180-200 people [...]