Search Results for: Facebook

Hungarian opposition politician and lawyer Péter Magyar gathered with thousands of demonstrators Friday before the nation’s Interior Ministry to demand the resignation of the head of the institution, Sándor Pintér. Magyar, the former husband of the resigned Minister of Justice Judit Varga, called for the protest on Facebook earlier that day and demanded Pintér claim responsibility [...]


Advocate General (AG) Athanasios Rantos of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on Thursday issued an opinion, largely siding with an Austrian lawyer and privacy activist who sued Meta for misusing his personal data to send him targeted advertisements. Meta is the parent company of popular social media platforms like Facebook and [...]


The Madrid Prosecutor’s Office in Spain asked the court on Thursday to drop the case against Begoña Gomez, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s wife, for the alleged crime of peddling influence and corruption, sources told Spanish news source EFE. The prosecutors appealed a local court’s decision to open preliminary investigations into the links between Begoña Gomez [...]


The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) published a joint statement with the Royal Malaysian Police on Tuesday stating that the government has required online media platforms such as TikTok and Meta to tighten their harmful content policy. In the statement, the MCMC stressed that they are working with other government departments and enforcement agencies [...]


A Thai court acquitted 67 individuals on Friday of terrorism charges for protests that caused two airports to shut down in 2008. The protests were orchestrated by the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) in opposition to the then government, which was headed by allies of ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. The Bangkok Criminal Court issued the [...]


Four of the largest school boards in Ontario sued the social media companies behind Instagram, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok for disrupting their students’ daily education, according to a news release by the districts on Thursday. The school boards believe these social media platforms “have rewired the way children think, behave, and learn” and desire [...]


The European Commission on Monday initiated non-compliance investigations against tech giants Google, Apple and Meta under the Digital Markets Act (DMA). These investigations mark the first cases following the compliance deadline set by the DMA in early March. In Google’s case, the European Commission is investigating whether the search results provided prioritize the company’s vertical [...]