Search Results for: 2016-01-14

Lawrence Wilkerson is a retired United States Army Colonel who held key roles in government, including serving as Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell from 2002 to 2005. Wilkerson played a role in preparing US Secretary of State Colin Powell’s presentation in 2003 at the United Nations in making the case for [...]


US District Court Judge Lewis Kaplan dismissed former President Donald Trump’s counter-defamation suit against author E. Jean Carroll on Monday. Carroll has accused Trump of sexual assault, with a jury finding that Trump did sexually assault Carroll and defamed Carroll by accusing her of lying. Trump claimed that Carroll’s statements on CNN after the verdict [...]


The Nepal Supreme Court’s June 28 ruling requiring the government to register same-sex relationships follows an arduous struggle to achieve marriage equality in the South Asian nation. This historic order is expected to have an impact on an upcoming verdict regarding a similar plea at the Supreme Court of India. Despite India’s decriminalization of queer [...]


Pita Limjaroenrat, a leading progressive candidate for Thai prime minister, failed on Thursday to obtain enough votes to secure the leadership position in Thai’s Parliament. During a joint parliamentary session, Pita fell short of the prime minister position by 52 votes, despite garnering overwhelming support in the May general election over the ruling military-backed government [...]


The past few years have seen a proliferation of online misinformation, accompanied by the growth of the fact-checking industry. This industry has evolved into a matured sector with its own funding sources and investments from major companies, which may have their own agendas. These companies are actively seeking to influence and control the industry, highlighting [...]


Thailand’s two major pro-democracy opposition parties—Move Forward Party and Pheu Thai—won a landslide in national elections on Sunday. The result reflected Thai voters’ rejection of the military-backed government, which has dominated the political scene for nearly a decade. According to a forecast on Monday, the Move Forward Party, whose reformist ideology grew in popularity among [...]


Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a main competitive advantage for the 21st century is rapidly gaining momentum on the world stage. Its accelerating capabilities and potential are so significant that it will transform nearly all aspects of our societies, including the economy, education, healthcare, the law, national security, and beyond. It is becoming the driver for [...]


In a Wednesday article for the National Review, US Fifth Circuit Judge James Ho and US Eleventh Circuit Judge Elizabeth Branch called for law schools to “crackdown” on punishments for law student protestors. Ho and Branch argued that universities that allow their students to “disrupt without consequences” promote intolerance. While many universities have policies in [...]


The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Monday settled with Bloomberg Finance L.P. over claims that the company made misleading disclosures relating to its paid subscription service BVAL, which provides daily pricing for over 2.5 million securities to more than 1,300 financial institution customers. Bloomberg agreed to pay the SEC a $5 million penalty and cease [...]


Trial Panel I Friday announced its judgement in Specialist Prosecutor v. Salih Mustafa, finding Mustafa guilty of four counts of war crimes including arbitrary detention, cruel treatment, torture and murder. The verdict is the first case at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers, an EU-backed special court to investigate the Kosovo War, to involve war crime charges. [...]