Search Results for: 2014-05-06

This article is the second in a series covering attacks on the rule of law. The rule of law is a political philosophy premised on the promise that all citizens, leaders, and institutions are accountable to the same laws, guaranteed through processes, practices, and norms that work together to support the equality of all citizens [...]


On December 17, 2010, a vegetable vendor in Tunisia set himself ablaze in open defiance of police harassment, igniting the spark for a wave of democratic revolutions that spread like wildfire across the Arab world. In the decade since the revolutions swept the region, Tunisia has stood out as a success story, being the only [...]


Law students and young lawyers in Ukraine are filing for JURIST on the latest developments in that country as it defends itself against the Russian invasion. Here, Kyiv-based lawyer and University of Pittsburgh LLM graduate Yaroslav Pavliuk reports. Back in March, the JURIST team published an article called “Weaponizing ‘Genocide:’ Post-War International Justice in Putin’s [...]


Switzerland’s Federal Criminal Court Monday fined Credit Suisse two million Swiss francs for failing to stop an employee who allowed a criminal organization to launder money through the bank. It also confiscated 12 million francs from Credit Suisse accounts linked to money laundering. The court says that between July 2007 and December 2008 a customer relations [...]


The US Supreme Court Thursday struck down a New York law requiring individuals applying for unrestricted handgun licenses to demonstrate a greater need for self defense than the general public. Justice Clarence Thomas wrote the majority opinion in the 6-3 decision, with Justices Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett, and Chief Justice [...]


In October 2021, Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal ruled that in the event of a conflict between the Constitution of Poland and the treaties of the European Union, the Polish Constitution will reign supreme. The Tribunal concluded that Article 4(3) of the Treaty on European Union, in conjunction with Article 279 of the Treaty on the Functioning of [...]


Law students and young lawyers in Ukraine are filing for JURIST on the latest developments in that country as it defends itself against Russian invasion. Here, Kyiv-based lawyer and University of Pittsburgh LLM graduate Yaroslav Pavliuk reports.   As Ukraine enters the eighth week of Russian military aggression, the cost of the war rises dramatically. In [...]


On November 4, 2021, US Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Jacky Rosen (D-NV) announced the introduction of S.3175 – 117th Congress (2021-2022): Advancing American Artificial Intelligence Innovation Act of 2021 to Congress. Although the stated goal of S. 3175 is to ensure private companies have access to accurate data so they can better meet Department of Defense [...]


“History is an illustrious war against death.” – José Ortega y Gasset, Man and Crisis (1958) Afghanistan and “Palestine”: Newly Emerging Linkages At first glance, there are no obvious connections between the Taliban victory over the United States in Afghanistan and Palestinian terrorism against Israel. Upon closer inspection, however, the recent Taliban triumph reflects more [...]