Search Results for: 1999-12-01

It is well known that the United States Navy Sea, Air, and Land  (US SEALs) have serious problems. The SEAL community has been plagued by extreme drug use and sexual assaults and has been found to engage in the murder of one of their own Special Operations Forces (SOF) personnel. All of these incidences have [...]


The armed conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia which was over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh had developed quite an interesting twist with Turkey projecting itself as a ‘big’ brother of Azerbaijan and throwing its weight behind Baku and sending Syrian mercenaries to fight in the conflict. Ankara’s involvement in the conflict of the Caucasus is [...]


The Solicitor General filed an emergency application Tuesday with the US Supreme Court to stay injunctions and allow implementation of the new “public charge” rule. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) rule concerns an interpretation of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The new rule would restrict immigrants who may rely on public assistance from entering [...]


From degrading disabled people, women, LGBT individuals, and other minorities to the forsaking of the United Nation Human Rights Council, and from separating migrant families to the coddling of authoritarians and racists, this presidency consistently ridicules human rights. It follows that the State Department’s first international conference to Advance Religious Freedom might trigger a collective [...]