Search Results for: Islamic law

Iraqi deputy prime minister Barham Salih said Sunday that the transitional national assembly chosen in the January 30 elections and responsible for drafting a permanent constituton for Iraq replacing the current Transitional Administrative Law...


The Sindh provincial High Court in Pakistan has started formal hearings for an appeal by four Islamic militants convicted of kidnapping and murdering Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl . British-born Islamic militant Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh [Wikipedia...


Kuwati Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah on Tuesday warned newspapers that publishing information about investigations of militants could result in the suspension or closure of those papers. Sheikh Sabah's commented that journalistic scoops could endanger security personnel and...


AP has obtained a letter written by an FBI counterterrorism expert working at Guantanamo Bay that complains of abusive military interrogations of prisoners as early as 2002. The letter, written by Thomas Harrington to Maj. Gen. Donald J. Ryder,...