Search Results for: trust

Jack Balkin, Yale Law School:"I liked Bush's second inaugural address, which argued for the cause of freedom around the world, very much. I also liked his first inaugural address, which sounded very moderate, spoke of justice, tolerance, and aid to...


In an exclusive JURIST op-ed before his testimony today before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Admiral John Hutson (Ret. USN), former Navy Judge Advocate General and now President and Dean of Franklin Pierce Law Center, says that Judge Alberto Gonzales' reading...


Rossello-Gonzales et. al v. Puerto Rico Election Commission et al., US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, December 15, 2004 [ruling that the Puerto Rico Supreme Court, not the local US District Court in San Juan, should rule on...


The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled Friday that the US Interior Department does not have to disconnect its computers from the Internet despite the possibility of tampering by hackers. The dispute arose regarding the...


The Ukrainian parliament Wednesday narrowly approved a no-confidence motion in the government of Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, the declared winner of last week's disputed presidential election, proposing instead a "government of national trust." The vote came on a second...


In an announcement in the Roosevelt Room of the White House Wednesday afternoon President Bush confirmed that he has nominated White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales to succeed John Ashcroft as US Attorney General. Initial word of the nomination came...


Larry Ribstein, University of Illinois College of Law:"The SEC announced yesterday rulemaking initiatives aimed at so-called "self-regulatory organizations" such as stock exchanges. These include specific proposals to change the rules on ownership, governance, reporting and transparency by these organizations. The...


William G. Ross, Cumberland School of Law, Samford University: "Chief Justice Rehnquist's hospitalization for thyroid cancer treatment has provided a sudden and poignant reminder to many voters that the winning candidate in next Tuesday's election is likely to make US...