Search Results for: solitary confinement

The Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) union filed complaints against Saudi Arabia with the UN’s International Labor Organization (ILO) claiming that at least 21,000 migrant workers in Saudi Arabia suffered from severe human rights abuses and wage theft for over 10 years mainly by two now-liquidated Saudi companies. According to BWI’s Wednesday complaints, Saudi [...]


Egyptian authorities released two Al Jazeera journalists, Rabie Al-Sheikh and Bahaa Eldin Ibrahim, held in pre-trial detention for four years, the Qatar-based news outlet announced on Friday. The Egyptian journalists were both arrested on charges of spreading false information. Ibrahim was arrested at Borg El Arab Airport in Alexandria on February 22, 2020. Al Jazeera [...]


The European Council on Friday imposed sanctions on Russian officials and entities linked to the death of Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny. The sanctions were introduced under the EU’s current Global Human Rights Sanction Regime, including an asset freeze, prohibitions on the provision of funds or economic resources, and a travel ban to the EU. [...]


Julian Assange is among the most polarizing public figures of the 21st century thus far. In the nearly two decades since he established WikiLeaks, a website that gained infamy in the aughts for its release of millions of classified documents and related analyses, Assange has galvanized free speech advocates, incensed national security stalwarts, and fostered [...]


UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron announced on Wednesday that sanctions will be imposed on senior officials of the prison where the Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny was detained and later died. The sanctions on six individuals will include a ban from entering the UK and asset freezes. The UK is the first country to impose [...]


Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik, found guilty of killing 77 people, mainly teenagers, in July 2011, lost his claim Thursday against the state to end his solitary confinement in prison. The trial for Breivik’s suit was held in January against the Norwegian Ministry of Justice over the conditions of his detention. The trial was [...]