Search Results for: human trafficking

Nigerian authorities have failed the girls and young women who escaped Boko Haram captivity in northeastern Nigeria, according to an Amnesty International report released Sunday. Boko Haram, a violent Islamist organization based in the country’s northeastern region, has been locked in conflict with government forces for over a decade. The conflict has left a destructive [...]


Seven international rights groups (including Amnesty International, ADPAN, CPJP, The Botswana Centre for Human Rights, Eleos Justice, International Federation for Human Rights, and Odhikar) issued a joint statement on Wednesday urging the Bangladeshi government to abolish the death penalty. The statement comes in light of the death sentence given to Lesedi Molapisi by a Dhaka [...]


The Louisiana legislature on Monday approved a bill that provides surgical castration as a sentencing option for certain aggravated sexual offenses against children younger than thirteen. Aggravated sexual offenses under Louisiana law include rape, molestation and human trafficking for sexual purposes. The surgical castration may be an addition to the original sentences of the offenses [...]


Sri Lanka is sending a high-level delegation to Russia to investigate the involvement of hundreds of Sri Lankan nationals reportedly recruited to fight in the Ukraine war, announced a top official on Thursday. Earlier this month, Sri Lankan authorities began investigating these reports, focusing on the trafficking of individuals with military training to fight in [...]


Panama’s next president José Raul Mulino announced Thursday that the forthcoming government is planning to set up new checkpoints in a thick jungle area along its southern border, which has become a dangerous segment of the path for the growing number of migrants trying to head to the US. During his proclamation as president-elect, Mulino [...]


Tunisia’s Assembly of Representatives of the People submitted a proposal to the General Legislation Commission on Thursday to amend Law 68-7, 1968, relating to foreigners’ status. The proposal was motivated by the unprecedented number of undocumented migrants entering Tunisia, protection of national security and combating human trafficking. The amendment, presented in accordance with Article 68 [...]