Search Results for: espionage

The Russian Prosecutor General’s office announced Thursday that it approved an espionage indictment against Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, who has been detained in Russia since March 2023, and sent his case to the Sverdlovsk Regional Court in the city of Yekaterinburg. Gershkovich’s detention has been condemned by his employer and press freedom groups, [...]


The Zamoskvoretsky court in Moscow ordered the detention of French citizen Laurent Vinatier on Friday, accusing him of collecting information on military issues in Russia. Specifically, Vinatier has been charged with violating the rules of foreign agents’ activity under Part 3 of Article 330.1 of the Russian Criminal Code. If convicted, he faces up to [...]


Russia’s foreign ministry announced on Monday that it added a number of British politicians and journalists to Russia’s list of people banned from entering Russia. The names and number of people subject to the new entry ban are unknown. According to Russia’s foreign ministry, the new entry bans are a response to hostility from the [...]


The Chinese Ministry of State Security on Monday published a statement accusing the British Secret Intelligence Service MI6 of turning two unnamed Chinese state employees into spies for the British government. According to the public statement, the two suspected spies were a couple both serving sensitive functions within the Chinese government. In 2015, one of [...]


Belgian Police conducted raids on Wednesday in an investigation into alleged Russian interference within the European Parliament, particularly focusing on accusations that Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) were paid to promote Russian propaganda via the Voice of Europe website. The raids, spanning a private residence in Brussels and European Parliament offices in Strasbourg and [...]


North Korea’s defense ministry accused the US and South Korea on Saturday of intensifying border reconnaissance activities and threatened military action, according to state media Voice of Korea and Korean Central News Agency. In a press statement, Kim Kang Il, vice president of North Korea’s defense ministry, protested against “hostile air espionage” by the US. [...]


A suspect on police bail for allegedly spying for Hong Kong intelligence services in the UK has been found dead in a park, Thames Valley Police reported Tuesday. Police noted that the death, which is under investigation, is “being treated as unexplained.” The police identified the deceased Matthew Trickett, aged 37, from Maidenhead, who was [...]


“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,”  so taught civil rights campaigner and feminist Rita Mae Brown. There is no more fitting maxim for the broken American system that in 2024 has allowed Donald Trump to return as a major political party’s presumptive nominee for its highest office. [...]


The High Court in London ruled in favour of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange Monday, allowing him to appeal against his contentious extradition to the US for alleged espionage associated with the publication of  US classified documents while he . He will remain in the UK for the time being. Outside the High Court, under uncharacteristically [...]