Search Results for: Electronic Frontier Foundation

A coalition of organizations issued an open letter on Wednesday to the Chair of the UN’s Ad Hoc Committee on Cybercrime, emphasizing “critical flaws” in the latest draft of the UN Cybercrime Convention—the so-called Zero Draft—and urging significant amendments. The coalition warned that without significant amendments, the convention could compromise global cyberspace security and human [...]


Local activists and rights groups in California filed a lawsuit Thursday against the Marin County Sheriff for illegally sharing the license plate and other sensitive data of drivers with federal and out-of-state agencies over a period of years. Three local residents filed the suit, represented by lawyers from the ACLU and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), [...]


Apple announced Thursday a new policy for child-safety measures on its devices, leading several digital rights organisations such as the European Digital Rights network (EDRi) and Electronic Frontier Foundation to raise concerns over the privacy and security of the company’s large global customer base. The new policy scans messages sent or received by a minor’s [...]


Dozens of human rights associations including Amnesty International, Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT), Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), and Human Rights Watch have released a letter strongly resisting the adoption of a proposed EU Regulation on preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online (the Proposed Regulation). Initial EU actions combating terrorism began in 2013 with [...]


The French Constitutional Court on Thursday reversed most of an online hate speech law, known as the ‘Avia Law,’ which was passed by the French National Assembly on May 13. “The requesting senators argue that these provisions would have been in violation of Article 45 of the Constitution,” says the ruling. “These provisions would impose [...]


A judge for the US District Court for the District of Massachusetts ruled Tuesday that the increasing searches of electronic devices at border crossing points by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) violate the Fourth Amendment guarantee against unreasonable search and seizure because the searches are not based on reasonable suspicion. District Judge Denise Casper issued [...]


Several human rights groups signed a letter  on Tuesday calling on Google to end its efforts to develop a censored search engine for China, code named Project Dragonfly. The letter accuses Google of “accommodating the Chinese authorities’ repression of dissent,” which would cause Google to participate in China’s violations of freedom of expression and privacy of [...]