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Sharon Basch is a rising 3L at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law and a JURIST staff correspondent in Washington DC this summer.  Wednesday morning I attended a US Senate Budget Committee hearing entitled “Making Wall Street Pay its Fair Share: Raising Revenue, Strengthening Our Economy.” The hearing was called to discuss tax policy [...]


The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Friday filed its final charge sheet against former Indian Railway Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav concerning a land-for-jobs scam. The scam, which revolves around the alleged exchange of railway jobs for land parcels, implicates 78 individuals, including Yadav’s wife, Rabri Devi, and son, Tej Pratap Yadav. The charge sheet [...]


Human Rights Watch on Thursday slammed Italy’s deal to send asylum seekers to Albania, terming the pact a “model of mismanagement” and a “blueprint for abuse.” The immigration deal was signed last November and seeks to send asylum seekers from Italy to Albania, where their Italian asylum requests would be considered. Under the five-year deal [...]


The Dutch Public Prosecutor (OM) announced Thursday that it intends to investigate the criminal complaint filed by a group of human rights organizations against, an online rental platform for holiday accommodations, regarding their alleged listing of rental properties in Israeli settlements. The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO), the European Legal Support Centre [...]


The harassment and criminalization of justice operators and human rights defenders by Guatemalan government officials include multiple forms of gender-based violence and discrimination, according to a report published by Amnesty International on Thursday. The report analyzes the criminalization of female justice operators and human rights defenders in the country, highlighting any instances of human rights [...]


“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,”  so taught civil rights campaigner and feminist Rita Mae Brown. There is no more fitting maxim for the broken American system that in 2024 has allowed Donald Trump to return as a major political party’s presumptive nominee for its highest office. [...]


Authorities in the French South Pacific territory of New Caledonia have decided to ban public gatherings and impose a curfew in the capital city of Nouméa following violent protests against a law project amending the electoral system, according to a statement published on Tuesday. The statement specifies that due to public order problems in Nouméa [...]