Bosnia authorities seize passports from relatives of war crimes fugitive Karadzic News
Bosnia authorities seize passports from relatives of war crimes fugitive Karadzic

[JURIST] Bosnian authorities Thursday confiscated the travel documents of the wife, son, daughter and son-in-law of at-large war crimes suspect Radovan Karadzic [BBC profile; JURIST news archive] after High Representative and European Union Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina Miroslav Lajcak [official profile] ordered their seizure [official order] Wednesday at the instance of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) [official website]. The Office of the High Representative said [press release] that the family members are the subject of "ongoing criminal investigations for their role in the support network of Radovan Karadzic.” Also on Thursday, the central cabinet in Bosnia froze the assets of four remaining fugitives from the ICTY: Karadzic, his military chief Ratko Mladic [BBC profile], Stojan Zupljanin [PBS profile], and Goran Hadzic [PBS profile].

Former ICTY chief prosecutor Carla Del Ponte [BBC profile] repeatedly called on [JURIST report] Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro to renew their efforts to capture Karadzic and other war crimes fugitives before stepping down late last year. Karadzic is suspected of helping orchestrate the genocide of nearly 8,000 people in Srebrenica [JURIST news archive] in the 1990s. BBC News has more.