Military jury recommends 10-year sentence in Iraqi detainee deaths case News
Military jury recommends 10-year sentence in Iraqi detainee deaths case

[JURIST] A US military jury recommended Monday that 101st Airborne Staff Sgt. Raymond Girouard be sentenced to 10 years in prison after being convicted [JURIST report] last week of three counts of negligent homicide [Article 32 hearing transcript, DOC] for the deaths of three Iraqi detainees [JURIST news archive] held after a May 2006 raid in Thar Thar. He was also found guilty of one count of obstruction of justice for lying to investigators, one count of conspiracy for trying to conceal the crime, and one count of failure to obey a general order. Girouard faced up to 21 years in prison.

Girouard was found not guilty of premeditated murder, which allowed him to avoid a life sentence. Girouard is the last and most senior soldier to face court-martial for the killings [JURIST report]. The jury also recommended a reduction in his rank, a dishonorable discharge and forfeiture of pay. Jury recommendations must be approved by his division commanding general. AP has more.