Former NYT reporter Miller testifies at Libby trial News
Former NYT reporter Miller testifies at Libby trial

[JURIST] Former New York Times reporter Judith Miller [JURIST news archive] testified on Tuesday in the trial of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby [defense website; JURIST news archive] concerning conversations Libby had with Miller, during which he allegedly told her about this frustration with the CIA and revealed to her the identity of undercover CIA agent Valerie Wilson. On cross-examination, defense counsel wanted to ask Miller about other sources with whom she had discussed a separate intelligence leak, but the prosecution argued that she should not have to answer the questions, since they were not specifically relevant to Libby's case. Judge Reggie M. Walton will rule on whether he will admit the line of questioning on Wednesday.

If Miller is called to answer the questions and refuses, she could face charges of perjury, as she did in July of 2005 when she was jailed [JURIST report] after refusing to reveal sources in conjunction with the federal criminal investigation into the leak of Plame's identity. Miller resigned [JURIST report] her post at the Times after her release from the 85-day jail term [JURIST report].

Libby is charged with perjury and obstruction of justice [indictment, PDF; JURIST report] in connection with the CIA leak investigation [JURIST news archive]. The New York Times has more.