Criminal violations by US military recruiters more than doubled in 2005: GAO News
Criminal violations by US military recruiters more than doubled in 2005: GAO

[JURIST] Allegations of recruiting violations by the US military increased from 4,400 cases in 2004 to 6,600 cases in 2005 according to a report [text, PDF; abstract; highlights, PDF] released by the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) [official website] on Monday, with actual criminal violations rising by more than 200 percent, from 30 in 2004 to 70 in 2005. The report noted that due to the current environment, with fewer potential recruits coming forward while numbers were needed for service in Iraq and elsewhere, "some recruiters, reportedly, have resorted to overly aggressive tactics, such as coercion and harassment."

The US Department of Defense [official website] concurred or partially concurred with four of the GAO's five recommendations for tracking and reporting recruiting violations, allegations and irregularities when it viewed a draft of the report. Reuters has more.