Search Results for: union

The US Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday affirmed a lower court’s decision to allow two transgender girls to play sports in an all-girls team despite Arizona legislation barring their participation. The plaintiffs, Kate and Megan Doe, two transgender minors, challenged Arizona’s Senate Bill 1165 (Save Women’s Sports Act), which bans transgender girls and [...]


The German Ministry of Interior announced  plans on Monday to introduce border controls with France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Denmark for six months starting September 16 to curb irregular migration and strengthen internal security. While the terms of the Schengen Area Agreement broadly eliminated border controls between EU states, the Schengen Border Code allows [...]


The US Department of Justice announced on Thursday that charges have been filed against Dimitri Simes, a Russian-born US citizen and former adviser to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. Simes is accused of working for a sanctioned Russian state television network and laundering the proceeds from his involvement. The first indictment alleges that Simes and [...]


Hungary on Friday confirmed its intention to send migrants to Brussels in protest of European Union (EU) rules on accepting asylum seekers. Rétvári Bence, Hungary’s deputy minister of interior, held a press conference flanked by buses to affirm the country’s plan to provide free fare for migrants on the bus route to the EU’s capital. [...]


The Tunisian Workers’ Union (UGTT) and the Tunisian Association of Constitutional Law (ATDC) have both harshly criticized the Tunisian electoral commission’s decision to reject an administrative court’s ruling that reinstated three candidates to the presidential elections. The statements described the move as a serious precedent that threatens the values of the Tunisian Republic, local media [...]


The Council of Europe opened the world’s first legally binding global treaty on artificial intelligence (AI) for signature on Thursday. Unveiled at a conference in Vilnius, Lithuania, this historic treaty sets a new international standard by ensuring that AI systems align with human rights, democratic values, and the rule of law. Formally known as the Framework [...]


President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko signed a decree on Wednesday pardoning 30 individuals previously convicted of “protest-related crimes.” Seven women and 23 men were pardoned. According to Prosecutor General Andrei Shved, as quoted by state news outlet Belta, “hese individuals did not commit violent crimes against representatives of the authorities. They were convicted mainly for insult [...]


The Supreme Court of India’s 2018 judgment in K.S. Puttaswamy v. Union of India was a watershed moment in India’s constitutional history. It recognized the right to privacy as an intrinsic part of the fundamental right to life and personal liberty under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. This was a significant shift, given that [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) accused Lebanon and Cyprus of violating the human rights of Syrian refugees with indirect financial support from the European Union (EU) in a report released Wednesday. HRW detailed how both countries intercepted and forcibly returned refugees to Syria in a coordinated effort to prevent them from seeking asylum in Europe. According [...]


The Dutch Data Protection Authority (Dutch DPA) imposed a 30.5 million euro fine on US company Clearview AI on Wednesday for building an “illegal database” containing over 30 billion images of people. The Dutch DPA issued the fine following an investigation into Clearview AI’s processing of personal data. It found the company violated the European [...]