Search Results for: somalia

The European Commission released statistics on first-time asylum applicants for 2023 on Monday showing that minors (individuals under 18 years old) constituted 24.3 percent of these applicants, excluding data from France, Poland, and Cyprus. Earlier this year, Eurostat reported a 20 percent rise in first-time asylum applications in the EU for 2023, with the total [...]


Somalia announced on Thursday the expulsion of the Ethiopian ambassador Muktar Mohamed Ware. The announcement comes amid worsening relations between Ethiopia and Somalia regarding the recognition of Somaliland’s independence. In a press statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation ordered Muktar to depart from Somalia within 72 hours. The Ethiopian Consulates General in [...]


Puntland refused to recognize the authority of the federal government of Somalia on Sunday, rejecting the latest constitutional reforms approved by the Somali Parliament. The Council of Ministers declared in a statement that Puntland withdrew its recognition and trust in the federal government of Somalia and called for a “mutually agreed constitutional process” and a [...]


The Somali parliament approved a proposal on Saturday to amend its constitution, which will overhaul its electoral system and reintroduce universal suffrage. The vote, which was unanimous, will amend the first four chapters of the country’s transitional constitution, to introduce a presidential electoral vote. This will give the Somali people the power to directly chose [...]


The UN Human Rights Committee (UNHRC) expressed profound concern regarding the systematic occurrence of gross human rights violations against the Papuan people, involving security forces and law enforcement officers in Indonesia. The statement came at the conclusion of its 140th session on Thursday, following the review of reports from Indonesia, Chile, Guyana, Namibia, Serbia, Somalia, and [...]


The plight of women’s rights in various countries reflects a complex interplay of legal, cultural and societal norms that significantly disenfranchise women and girls, threatening their human rights and dignity. Countries like Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iran, Yemen, Sudan, Pakistan, Somalia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Syria, and Nigeria present challenging environments where women’s rights [...]


UN International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), a UN agency responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide, released a report Friday on International Women’s Day alleging that more than 230 million girls and women worldwide have been subjected to female genital mutilation (FGM), an increase of 30 million or 15 percent compared with [...]


The government of Haiti extended the state of emergency around Port-Au-Prince Thursday following the increasing escalation of gang violence and the displacement of thousands. The state of emergency bans all forms of public protest, day and night, introduces a new curfew and grants security forces the ability to use “all legal means” to enforce the [...]


Zimbabwean Vice President Constantino Chiwenga warned young people in the country on Thursday that the government will block all higher education scholarships from LGBTQ+ advocacy organizations. In his statement, Chimwenga denounced LGBTQ+ organizations’ scholarships as “unlawful” and a move by “foreign interests” to recruit less privileged students into “lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual activities.” He went [...]