Search Results for: property

Amnesty International on Wednesday urged Israel to implement a UN General Assembly (UNGA) resolution demanding the end to its occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The resolution, adopted earlier by a substantial majority, calls for Israel to withdraw its military forces, cease settlement activity, and dismantle illegal settlements in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and [...]


Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) reported on Friday that reporters from at least 13 media outlets in Hong Kong have been subjected to both online and offline harassment as part of a systematic and organized campaign. During a press conference, HKJA chairperson Selina Cheng stated that at least 15 journalists, along with their family members [...]


Botswana’s former president Ian Khama appeared in a magistrate court in Gaborone on Friday to face charges of unlawful possession of a firearm and receiving stolen property, after returning from three years in exile. This comes only one month before the general election in which his former vice president and now rival, President Mokgweetsi Masisi, [...]


A new survey released Thursday by the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center reveals that nearly two-thirds of Americans favor imposing term limits on US Supreme Court justices. However, only 3 in 10 support expanding the court’s size, a proposal pushed by Congressional Democrats and advocates for court transparency to reduce the influence of [...]


The US Treasury announced Thursday that its Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) as sanctioned 16 individuals affiliated with Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro under terms of Executive Order (EO) 13692, for allegedly obstructing an inclusive presidential election process and violating the human rights of Venezuelans. According to the Treasury, the 16 sanctioned individuals include leaders [...]


The Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Saturday that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has revoked its consent for the Federative Republic of Brazil to represent Argentina’s interests and nationals in Venezuelan territory, effectively immediately. This decision also terminates Brazil’s custodianship over the properties and archives of the Argentine mission in Venezuela. Brazil had [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Friday partially reinstated 2023 laws in Hawaii and California banning the carry of firearms in certain “sensitive places.” After the laws’ passage, the “sensitive place” designations were challenged as violating the US Constitution’s Second Amendment, which establishes the right to keep and bear arms. US district [...]


The US and Guatemala governments announced on Thursday that Nicaragua has released 135 political prisoners on humanitarian grounds after months of negotiations between the US and Nicaragua. The US also facilitated the voluntary transfer of political prisoners from Nicaragua to Guatemala. In a joint statement, the US and Guatemala clarified that the released political prisoners [...]


United Arab Emirates President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan pardoned 57 Bangladesh nationals on Tuesday. As reported by WAM, the official news agency of UAE, the pardoned individuals had been convicted due to their involvement in trials in the country last month. UAE’s Attorney-General, Dr Hamad Al Shamsi, has also stopped the deportation process [...]