Search Results for: pot

Everybody knows that the Coronavirus pandemic is an economic catastrophe. Small businesses are already failing and people are losing their jobs. The government can and should do everything possible to mitigate their suffering. But in at least one economic sector, there is another option. The arts sector is struggling for the same reason many other [...]


The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, a Cambodian court that receives aid through the UN, convicted Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan of genocide, crimes against humanity, and other violations of the Geneva Convention on Friday.  The crimes were committed during Cambodia’s Democratic Kampuchea period from April 1975 to January 1979. The court referred to Nuon, the former Deputy [...]


JURIST Guest Columnists James G. Hodge, Jr., Jennifer Piatt, Sarah Wetter, and Alexandra Hess of the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, Arizona State University discuss the recent reversal of long-standing guidance from the Obama Administration on federal marijuana enforcement......


JURIST Guest Columnist Eugene Lee of MBK Sports Management discusses whether NCAA student-athletes should be paid ... With the proliferation of billion-dollar television contracts and customized branding opportunities in the age of social media, college athletes are receiving more media...