Search Results for: petitioners

Kenya’s Ministry of Information and Communications urged legislators to regulate the social media platform TikTok rather than ban it outright, the ministry told Reuters on Thursday. According to the ministry, the state should require TikTok to screen content to guarantee it complies with Kenyan laws. The ministry also said the social media company should be [...]


The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments Wednesday in the case concerning whether a 1986 federal law preempts Idaho’s near-total abortion ban. The Idaho statute criminalizes performing or attempting to perform an abortion unless not doing so would result in the mother’s death. The Biden administration argues that the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act [...]


The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments Monday on whether enforcing public camping ordinances against unhoused people without adequate shelter is cruel and unusual punishment and, therefore, prohibited by the Eighth Amendment to the US Constitution. The case, Grants Pass v. Johnson, originated in southern Oregon. The central question before the court revolves around the [...]


The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday concerning obstruction of justice charges in cases related to the January 6 riots at the US Capitol building in 2021. Several justices, including the court’s conservative bloc, expressed skepticism with the government’s broad reading of 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c), the statute used to charge the alleged rioters. [...]


India’s Supreme Court intervened on Thursday in the ongoing dispute over the government’s Fact-Check Unit (FCU) and temporarily halted its operation following concerns raised by various parties, according to Live Law. Notably, the Editors Guild of India, standing as one of the petitioners in the case, validated and appreciated the stay ordered by the apex [...]


The Indian Supreme Court announced Friday it will take up a batch of petitions on Tuesday, which seek to challenge the contentious Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 (CAA) and the recently introduced Citizenship (Amendment) Rules, 2024. The CAA is an Indian law that fast-tracks citizenship for persecuted minorities from neighboring countries. Also, the Indian government introduced [...]


The India Supreme Court on Thursday upheld a Rajasthan state law that provides for a two-child eligibility criterion for seeking public employment. The court held that the the Rajasthan Various Service (Amendment) Rules, 2001, which bars candidates who have more than two children from seeking government jobs, is constitutional and non-discriminatory. With the court’s Thursday [...]


A judge in Illinois on Wednesday ordered former US President Donald Trump to be removed from the state’s primary election ballot. The decision reversed a previous Illinois State Board of Elections ruling allowing Trump to remain as an official candidate. The order was based on Section 3 of the US Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment. The provision [...]


The India Supreme Court unanimously declared unconstitutional the electoral bonds scheme on Wednesday, which previously allowed for anonymous funding to political parties. The electoral bonds scheme was first instituted by India Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Union government in 2018. It allowed both individuals and corporations to anonymously fund political parties by purchasing electoral bonds from the [...]