Search Results for: ocean

Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Thursday accused Kenya’s government of not proactively addressing nationwide flash floods. The rights group called upon the state to fulfill its obligation to safeguard vulnerable groups, including children, the elderly, people with disabilities, and those residing in high-risk areas, from the adverse impacts of the ongoing floods. Citing evidence from [...]


SOS MEDITERRANEE, an international maritime and humanitarian organization, announced on Friday that its affiliated humanitarian ship Ocean Viking rescued 135 people, including a pregnant women and 8 children, from an overcrowded double-decker boat in the Maltese search and rescue region. It stated that the ship was compelled to navigate to a distant port at Ancona, [...]


French authorities announced a plan on Sunday to amend the Constitution to revoke birthplace citizenship on the French Indian Ocean island of Mayotte. Mayotte has been struggling with social unrest, a severe water shortage, and what the citizens call a ‘violent migration crisis’.  Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin arrived on the island over the weekend and [...]


Several Rohingya refugees in Sri Lanka protested outside the UN refugee agency’s office this week due to the announced closure of its Sri Lanka office at the end of 2024. The refugees also submitted an appeal to UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) on Tuesday, calling for the agency not to abandon them without arranging [...]


Tokyo’s High Court found the government of Japan not liable Tuesday for damages related to the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster and associated mass evacuations, leaving responsibility solely with plant operator the Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO). The ruling also reduced the damages amounts of a previous court order from $414,400 to $165,000 for 44 of [...]


A comprehensive US government climate report released Tuesday confirmed that extreme weather linked to climate change is worsening despite drops in US greenhouse gas emissions. The report urged further action to mitigate potentially catastrophic consequences across the country. The Fifth National Climate Assessment report comes amid a rash of extreme weather events that have affected [...]