Search Results for: nicaragua

JURIST Contributing Editor Mary Ellen O'Connell of Notre Dame Law School says that the United States today has no legal basis to use significant armed force against Iran, and that another unlawful war in the wake of the Iraq debacle...


JURIST Guest Columnists Lawrence Friedman and Victor Hansen of New England School of Law say that whatever policy intentions the US executive branch may have with regard to a nuclear Iran, its foreign affairs and national security discretion is and...


Anthony D'Amato : "Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff is US UN Ambassador John Bolton dressed up in sheep's clothing and wearing velvet gloves. He is no friend of internationalization, international law, or human rights.His main point...


Nicaraguan lawmakers voted Thursday to prohibit abortions for any reason in the country, including procedures to save the life of a pregnant woman. The measure eliminates a long-standing medical necessity exception to the country's anti-abortion laws....