Search Results for: medicare

Jim Maule, Villanova Law School:"...ost, if not all, of the discussion presupposes continuation of the social security system, with changes in the way revenues are gathered to fund it. A few proposals discuss changing benefits, either...


Richard Posner, University of Chicago Law School:"One of the commonest objections to President Bush's proposal for reform of social security is that there is no need to act now because there is no "crisis." Yet the same people who say...


HealthSouth and the US Department of Justice have reportedly reached a settlement agreement in the wake of allegations the company filed false Medicare reports with the US government, costing tax payers $2.7 billion. The settlement, worth $325 million, will...


Elizabeth Malloy, University of Cincinnati College of Law:"President Bush today selected Mike Leavitt, the current EPA Chief, to be the new Secretary of Health and Human Services. In making his selection, President Bush said that Leavitt is a "fine executive"...