Search Results for: journalists

Law students and law graduates in Pakistan are reporting for JURIST on events in that country impacting its legal system. Abu Bakar Khan is a final year law student at University Law College, University of the Punjab. He files this dispatch from Lahore.  Lahore hosted the 5th Asma Jahangir Conference, titled ‘People’s Mandate: Safeguarding Civil [...]


The Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, announced on Monday in a televised speech that he will continue in office despite the corruption allegations against his wife. Sánchez’s wife, Begoña Gomez, was accused of unduly leveraging her position to influence business deals. Sánchez said he took five days off to reflect on the matter and has [...]


Thousands of Georgians took to the streets in the country’s capital, Tbilisi, on Sunday to protest against a proposed “foreign agents” bill, which was introduced by the ruling Georgian Dream Party. Sunday’s protest joins with more than a week of similar demonstrations. The bill passed in its first reading earlier in April, and the second [...]


The  Krasnoflotsky District Court placed Forbes journalist Sergei Mingazov under house arrest on Saturday, according to reports from Russia state-owned media. Mingazov is accused of disseminating “fake” news on his Telegram account and criticizing Russian military operations in Ukraine. The posts on Mingazov’s Telegram included reposts from April 2022 of allegations that Russian forces killed [...]


Thousands of people marched in Madrid Friday supporting Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez after the publication of his letter on Twitter stating he needs “time to reflect” after a court in Madrid started a preliminary investigation against his wife on alleged corruption charges. The case was brought forward by a group called “Manos Limpias” (Clean [...]


The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) ratified Friday the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. The DRC’s ratification of the Optional Protocol, which will enter into force on May 26, 2024, represents a significant step toward strengthening the prevention of torture and ill-treatment in [...]


Lebanon’s Council of Ministers has taken steps towards accepting International Criminal Court (ICC) jurisdiction within their territory Friday by instructing their Foreign Affairs Ministry to submit a declaration to the ICC, allowing the court to investigate and prosecute crimes occurring within Lebanese territory since October 7, 2023. While Lebanon is still not a ratifying member [...]


The spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General made a call to Haitian authorities to “expedite the full implementation of the transitional governance arrangements” following the official installation of a Transitional Presidential Council (TPC) and the official resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry on Thursday. The establishment of the TPC comes as a response to rampant gang [...]