Search Results for: greece

This is the third article in a series covering attacks on the rule of law.  The rule of law is a political philosophy premised on the promise that all people, systems and institutions are accountable to the same laws, processes and norms that work together to support equality before the law.  This series argues that [...]


An Austrian aid worker, named Fayad Mulla, released video footage on Saturday capturing Greek officials mistreating refugees seeking asylum within the country. The New York Times verified the footage with several of the refugees, who have since been relocated to Turkey. The refugees interviewed originated from Somalia, Eritrea and Ethiopia. The footage shows refugees–including women [...]


As the European Union (EU) continues to expand and deepen its integration process, some factions advocate for their respective countries’ withdrawal from the EU, or at the very least, resist further integration. Euroscepticism, which comes in numerous forms, has become firmly established and persistent throughout the EU. Multiple studies reveal that in the period of [...]


The Greek Supreme Court Wednesday decided that the far-right Hellenes party will be barred from the upcoming election on May 21.  In a nine to one decision, the court found that parties that are beyond the political spectrum, promote violence and don’t respect democracy or the rule of law are not welcome in elections. The Hellenes [...]


This article is the second in a series covering attacks on the rule of law. The rule of law is a political philosophy premised on the promise that all citizens, leaders, and institutions are accountable to the same laws, guaranteed through processes, practices, and norms that work together to support the equality of all citizens [...]


Large scale violent protests have erupted in Greece Thursday following a strike called by transportation workers unions. The strike was called in response to a rail disaster which occurred in February. According to Greek state news agency EPT, the previously peaceful protests descended into violence around 3 pm on Thursday afternoon when protesters allegedly began [...]


Law students from the European Union are reporting for JURIST on law-related events in and affecting the European Union and its member states. Ciara Dinneny is JURIST’s Chief European Correspondent and a trainee with the Law Society of Ireland. She files this dispatch from Dublin. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti [...]


Law students from the European Union are reporting for JURIST on law-related events in and affecting the European Union and its member states. Jacky-Long Mouthuy is a law student at Maastricht University. He files this dispatch from Maastricht, Netherlands. EU heads of state and heads of government sitting in the European Council concluded their latest [...]


A critical attribute of tyranny is its multi-faced character. We are familiar with tyranny with its domestic face, and it is largely understood that this domestic face often turns outward through war and imperialism. That tyranny turns about-face back to the domestic sphere as the laws, policies and practices of external tyranny return to roost [...]