Search Results for: euthanasia

The European Court of Human Rights ruled Thursday that Hungarian authorities’ refusal of a citizen’s request to end his life by physician-assisted death doesn’t violate the European Convention on Human Rights. The case started with Daniel Karsai’s request to have access to medical suicide after being diagnosed with an incurable motor neurone disease that causes [...]


French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Monday in an exclusive interview with La Croix and Libération the outline of the French end-of-life bill, which opens the door for assisted dying in the country. According to Macron, the proposed bill consists of three parts: introducing legislation respectively on supportive care, the rights of patients and caregivers [...]


The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, called on Alabama state authorities Tuesday to cancel the execution of Kenneth Eugene Smith, which is scheduled to take place next week by nitrogen hypoxia. Türk reemphasized human rights concerns regarding the potential consequences of the untested execution method. According to the statement, execution by nitrogen [...]


On Jan. 25, the Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) plans to execute Kenneth Smith by forcing him to breathe pure nitrogen gas, an untested execution method with profound legal and ethical consequences. Death penalty abolitionists worldwide have railed against this form of capital punishment, but these efforts have thus far failed to alter the state’s [...]


A federal judge in Alabama ruled on Wednesday that the state can proceed to use nitrogen gas in the execution of Kenneth Smith. Smith has been on death row since he was convicted of murder in 1988. Smith is currently scheduled to be executed on January 25. He was previously scheduled to be executed on [...]


In its euthanasia guidelines, the American Veterinary Medical Association advises against the use of nitrogen gas to kill rats. And yet Alabama is pushing ahead with plans to experiment with using the gas to execute its condemned. Even defendants convicted of the cruelest of murders cannot, except for cynically and spitefully, be said to be [...]


The Canadian government has introduced a law delaying the extension of medically-assisted dying laws for people with mental illness. In a news release Thursday, the Department of Justice announced Bill C-39, which proposes that the broadened medical assistance in dying laws (MAID) be delayed until March 2024. Eligibility for MAID for those suffering from mental [...]


The Supreme Court of India Wednesday agreed to modify its 2018 judgement legalising passive euthanasia in the country, setting plans in motion to make the authorisation process easier. The petition initiating this case was filed by Common Cause, a civil society organization behind the legal crusade to legalise passive euthanasia. The organisation filed another petition [...]