Search Results for: columbia

Canada’s British Columbia (BC) Ombudsperson welcomed on Tuesday the government’s commitment to compensate survivors of the province’s internment of members of the Doukhobor religious community in the 1950s. However, the office raised concerns about the compensation plan, citing inadequate consultation with survivors and unclear eligibility criteria. BC Ombudsperson Jay Chalke criticized the government’s communications strategy, [...]


British Columbia (BC) Premier David Eby on Sunday announced those who are severely addicted and mentally ill will be admitted into involuntary care. This announcement came in the lead-up to the provincial election campaign. The premier stated that if reelected, the New Democratic Party would open highly secure facilities to provide involuntary care for people [...]


The Canadian Federal Court of Appeal found that social media platform Facebook violated statutory obligations for data protection and meaningful consent created by Canada’s primary legislation on the use of personal information by corporations, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Following an investigation into Facebook’s personal data-sharing practices, the Privacy Commissioner of [...]


The Information and Privacy Commissioner for the Canadian prairie province of Saskatachewan found on Monday that Saskatoon Police Service (SPS) officers had improperly accessed investigation files without authorization. The privacy breach involved three police officers who viewed sensitive investigation records of nine individuals for personal reasons, potentially compromising ongoing investigations. An audit revealed that one [...]


A group of five British Columbia, Canada police officers accused of misconduct after allegedly sharing racist and inappropriate memes within a WhatsApp group chat initiated a challenge Wednesday against the BC Attorney General, according to local media. The officers argue that the investigative powers established under the province’s Police Act violate privacy rights under Section [...]


The union representing Canada rail workers on Friday challenged the federal government’s directive imposing final binding arbitration to resolve labour bargaining, according to local media, and instead issued a strike notice set to commence on Monday. The government’s directive Thursday came hours after an employer-led lockout of more than 9,000 workers at CN Rail and [...]


Panama started on Tuesday its first deportation flight of irregular migrants who entered the country through the Darin jungle, local media reported. This constitutes the first of a series of flights financed by the US Department of State to return irregular migrants to their home countries. According to local media, the first flight repatriated 29 [...]


British Columbia’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner reported on Wednesday that inequalities are baked into the western Canadian province’s justice, health and child welfare systems after taking a focused look at 10 key systems impacting human rights in the province. The report, titled “Rights in Focus: Lived Realities in B.C.” is the first in [...]


Six First Nations from northern Ontario announced during a press conference on Monday the initiation of a lawsuit challenging the province of Ontario’s Mining Act, arguing that the legislation infringes upon their treaty and equality rights as protected under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The central contention in the application is that the Ontario [...]