Search Results for: celebration

17 political prisoners have been amnestied and pardoned in Belarus, following the signing of the Law On Amnesty in Connection with the 80th Anniversary of the Liberation of Belarus from Nazi Invaders, the Viasna Human Rights Center (‘Viasna’) said on Friday. The Belarussian president, Aliaksandr Lukashenko, signed the new law on Tuesday. The new law [...]


The UN Secretary-General António Guterres celebrated on Saturday the successful conclusion of the Fourth Review Conference on combating illicit small arms and light weapons. He hailed the adoption of a “strong outcome document” as a significant milestone and indicator of progress. The document included recommendations for the global community. Secretary-General Guterres said, “The proliferation, diversion [...]


Russia and Ukraine conducted a prisoner exchange, with each side exchanging 90 prisoners of war each and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) acting as an intermediary. The Tuesday exchange marked the latest in a series of periodic swaps between the two nations since the onset of the Russia-Ukraine war in February 2022. The Russian defense [...]


Aynsley Genga is JURIST’s senior Kenya correspondent. She files this report from Nairobi. It’s still Wednesday 26th June, and so much has already happened in Kenya since the anti-Finance Bill demonstrations began last Tuesday. We have had civilians being kidnapped, protesters being killed, residents of the Githurai district of Nairobi being massacred in the middle [...]


Over 30,000 people marched in Budapest Pride on Saturday and protested Hungary’s anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, according to local media. Ambassadors from various countries attended the event, including US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman. Pressman emphasized the United States’ support for the march, stating that the US “will always march alongside those standing up for human dignity, [...]


In the final analysis, human fragmentation into separate and competitively hostile states is unnatural. Because it is contrary to intellectual understanding and natural law, such fragmentation always makes it impossible to fashion a just and survivable global order. Ipso facto, it also renders impossible any long-term American future. What should be done? Suitable transformations are [...]


The UK Supreme Court held Thursday that Surrey’s planning authorities acted unlawfully when granting planning permission for an oil well development in 2019. The court ruled that the authorities should have considered certain environmental impacts when making the decision. The three-to-two decision of the five justices allowed the appeal of a previous resident of Surrey, [...]


The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) condemned on Wednesday Chinese authorities’ ongoing suppression of the Muslim community in Xinjiang. The civil rights and advocacy NGO accused the Chinese government of attempting to “erase” Uyghur culture, the Chinese Muslim ethnic minority, by renaming their villages in a manner that reflects the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ideology. [...]


An Italian activist was released Friday from domiciliary arrest in Hungary, after being granted immunity as a new member of the European Parliament. Ilaria Salis, a 40 years old anti-fascist activist from Monza, Italy was arrested in February 2023 by the Hungarian police after allegedly attempting to assault two right-wing demonstrators in Budapest during the [...]