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JURIST Contributing Editor Jeffrey F. Addicott of St. Mary's University School of Law continues the discussion on the legality of waterboarding...This article is written in response to certain scholars that published their views in a recent JURIST article concerning my...


JURIST Guest Colomnist Jordan J. Paust, the Mike & Teresa Baker Professor at the Law Center at the University of Houston, discusses how waterboarding is a form of torture...Professor Jeffrey Addicott has made false statements about Bush/Cheney interrogation tactics in...


JURIST Guest Columnist Cristián Correa of the International Center for Transitional Justice discusses how waterboarding, if not torturous treatment, is at the very least illegal... In a recent academic commentary, Professor Jeffrey F. Addicott claims that the use of waterboarding...


JURIST Contributing Editor Jeffrey F. Addicott of St. Mary's University School of Law discusses the assertion that waterboarding is torture...With the 2016 campaign for president heating up, many old issues are being revisited to include the false contention that...