Search Results for: Magnitsky

A Kyrgyz court in Bishkek fined former Deputy Head of State Customs Service Raimbek Matraimov 260,000 soms, or roughly USD $3000, in a closed trial Thursday. Matraimov pleaded guilty during his trial at the Pervomaisky District Court, which was closed to journalists, for his participation in a customs corruption scheme that resulted in the laundering [...]


The US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control imposed sanctions on the Cuban Ministry of Interior and the Minister of Interior, Lazaro Alberto Álvarez Casas, for alleged human rights abuses on Friday. Under Executive Order 13818, the Treasury Secretary has the authority to impose sanctions. The Treasury Department has also recently imposed [...]


The Council of the European Union adopted a regulation Monday establishing a global human rights sanctions regime. The regulation is meant to allow the EU to target individuals, entities and bodies, including state and non-state actors, that are responsible or associated with serious human rights violations worldwide. It also targets individuals and entities associated with [...]


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced sanctions against Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov on Monday due to human rights violations dating back more than a decade. Pompeo said the State Department has “extensive credible information that Kadyrov is responsible for numerous gross violations of human rights dating back more than a decade, including torture and [...]


In a statement to the House of Commons on Monday, UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab introduced new sanctions on 49 human rights abusers. The new global human rights regime provides accountability for individuals and organizations, unlike typical sanctions regimes, which target nations. It aims to protect individuals’ rights. Encompassing both “the right to life,” and [...]


The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) on Tuesday held that Russia committed numerous human rights violations against Sergei Magnitsky, a lawyer who died in a Moscow prison in 2009 after complaining of maltreatment. Among various violations, the unanimous decision found that the authorities deprived Magnitsky of important medical care and had failed to comply [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) called Saturday for its major donor nations to issue sanctions against Asadullah Khalid, the Defense Minister of Afghanistan, pointing to “redible evidence of serious human rights abuses and war crimes” that have accumulated “throughout government career.” HRW cited 2007 internal Canadian documents describing Khalid’s human rights violations as “numerous and consistent.” The violations [...]


It’s not just about the 2012 Magnitsky Act. President Donald Trump’s recent affirmation of support for Saudi Arabia–even with incontrovertible evidence of Saudi criminality in the Jamal Khashoggi murder–reflects willful indifference to much wider sources of pertinent law. Both international law and the laws of the United States were flagrantly violated by this official American [...]


In the wake of the world outrage at the viciousness of reporters’/journalists’ assassination (killing), lawmakers and human rights activists have said “enough.” Under the United States federal law, the Treasury Department is “empowered to prohibit entry into the U.S. and freeze assets of people considered responsible for corruption and human rights violations … effectively blocking [...]


US Department State Secretary Mike Pompeo on Tuesday announced that 21 Saudi Arabians suspected in the death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi will have their visas revoked or deemed ineligible for a visa to gain admittance into the US. During a briefing, Pompeo said that the suspect list includes officials from the intelligence services, the royal [...]