Search Results for: IP

Microsoft announced Monday that it has decided not to appeal the landmark December ruling of the European Court of Justice ordering it to immediately implement EU antitrust sanctions that the European Commission ...


A Beijing court spokesman announced Friday that the court had ruled against the Chongqing Lifan Industry Group, which must stop selling lookalike Honda brand motorbikes and must pay the Japanese Honda Motor Company 1.47 million yuan ($177,600 USD) in...


Computer forensics investigator Nigel Carson said Wednesday during a trial in Australian federal court that it is possible to find the computers and users in the Kazaa file-sharing network. Carson is the first witness to testify for the music...


The EU Commission has announced that it will pursue legal action Wednesday against Greece for disguising violations of EU budget restrictions on the country’s reported deficits from 1997 to 2003. The proceedings could result in fines imposed by the...


The European Union filed a complaint Monday with the World Trade Organization against the US and Canada for failing to lift sanctions against the EU over the EU's ban on importing hormone-treated beef. In 1998, the WTO ruled that...