Search Results for: FBI

The US military has appointed a three-star general to take over the investigation into alleged abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay and extended the deadline for completion until March 31. Air Force Lt. Gen. Randall "Mark"...


An auditing commission appointed by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops reported Friday that the past year has produced 1,092 new allegations of sexual abuse against at least 756 Catholic clergymen. The disclosure of figures came in the national...


The US Senate late Tuesday afternoon approved the nomination of federal appeals judge Michael Chertoff as the new Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. The vote, originally scheduled for last week, had been delayed while Senate Democrats unsuccessfully...


The FBI has been forced to shut down part of the e-mail system it uses to communicate with the public because of a security breach. The FBI is investigating the source of the intrusion, although there is...