Search Results for: cybercrime

The UK, the US and Canada announced coordinated sanctions on Friday against individuals and entities linked to human rights abuse, approaching the 75th anniversary of the ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The UK has imposed 46 sanctions of asset freezes and travel bans. The first category of these focuses mainly on forced labour [...]


Reporters Without Borders (RSF) urged Niger authorities on Monday to immediately release Niger journalist Samira Sabou. Niger news outlet Air info confirmed with Sabou’s relatives that Niger authorities arrested Sabou at her home on September 30 for an unknown reason. Abdoul Kader Nouhou, Sabou’s husband, told the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) that four unidentified men [...]


The United Nations Human Rights Office said in a new report on Tuesday that criminal syndicates in Southeast Asia are forcing hundreds of thousands of individuals into online criminal activity, including operating fraudulent investment schemes and facilitating unlawful gambling.  While the scale of internet-based fraud in Southeast Asia is difficult to estimate, the report offers [...]


King Abdullah II of Jordan approved a bill Saturday to penalise a variety of online speech, including posts that contain content ‘promoting, instigating, aiding, or inciting immorality.” Such posts are punishable with fines or months in prison. Posts that demonstrate ‘contempt for religion’ or ‘undermining national unity’ are also prohibited. The bill has been criticised [...]


The Moscow City Court sentenced Ilya Sachkov, a prominent cybersecurity executive, to 14 years in jail Wednesday on charges of treason, following his conviction under Article 275 of Russia’s Criminal Code. The verdict came shortly after the state prosecutor urged the court to impose an 18-year sentence. Sachkov was arrested in 2021 by Russia’s Federal [...]


The Pakistan government banned a total of 43 apps Tuesday to tackle unregistered loan companies and safeguard consumers from fraudulent services. The order was made by the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication(MOITT) amid public outrage that broke out when a Rawalpindi man committed suicide after accruing substantial debt. Along with promptly blocking these apps, [...]


The Supreme Court of Canada dismissed an application for leave Thursday in the case of Gwendolyn Louise Deegan v. Attorney General of Canada. The decision brings to an end a legal battle over the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and the Canada-US Enhanced Tax Information Exchange Agreement Implementation Act (IGA) that began in [...]


A public prosecutor in Tunisia on Friday appealed the decision to release opposition figure Chaima Issa from prison, according to local news. As a result, Issa was not able to leave prison on Friday. Issa’s lawyer told local news that the decision came after a counter order was given to the public prosecutor. He emphasized that [...]